Property Inspection Report Chatham Kent

We are the leading provider of property inspection reports for UK visas and immigration in Chatham Kent. We have a dedicated and highly experienced professionals to inspect the property and able to produce the report.

Prior to allowing entry clearance into the UK, confirmation is required that the proposed accommodation is safe and suitable for human habitation and the property will not become statutorily overcrowded with the current and proposed additional occupant(s).

What the surveyor will do on inspection day?

When the officer will visit the property, you will be asked to show around the property. The officer will take into accounts the size of the habitable rooms (normally bedrooms and living room) and will have around the proeprty to assess whether the accommodation is safe and suitable for human habitation. The UK visa property inspection report confirms the number of bedrooms and other rooms in the property, details of the current occupiers, and applicant’s details (name, date of birth, passport number) as the proposed future occupier.

Property Inspection Report Chatham Kent

A qualified Environmental Health Officer will carry out the inspection and must confirm that the proeprty:

  • Is free from category 1 hazards under the Housing Act 2004.
  • Is not statutorily overcrowded under the Housing Act 1985, Part X and shall have sufficient space to accommodate both the current occupiers and the applicant.

Property Inspection Report is also known as -

If you need property inspection report in Chatham Kent Please call us on 07500242494 or complete our online form here.

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