Property Inspection for Fiance Visa

Do you need a Property Inspection report for Fiance Visa?

You may require a property inspection report for a Fiance Visa application made to the UK, in line with the immigration rules, any application made to the Home Office or the UKVI for the purposes of Entry Clearance.

The property inspection report provides evidence to the UK Border Agency that our clients accommodation in the UK is safe, free from health risks, hazards and has substancial room for both the applicant and their sponsor as well as any dependent children included in a fiance visa application. All property inspection reports are professionally produced, fully compliant and certified to the UK Border Agency (UKBA) requirements by our experienced, qualified team.

Property Inspection Report for Fiancé / Fiancée Visa application

Our property inspection reports cover all necessary UKVI requirements to help support a successful Fiance Visa Application.

Choose a specialist to complete your property inspection report…

  • Expert knowledge: Qualified, experienced team of specialist here to help you get your report completed. Evergreen Engineers Ltd specializes in providing property inspection reports for visa applications, ensuring compliance with UK immigration regulations. We are the leading provider of property inspection reports that meet requirements set by UKVI throughout London and the UK.
  • Efficiency: Quick turnaround times with reports often completed within 24 hours of inspection, minimizing application delays.
  • Comprehensive reports: Detailed assessments covering property condition, occupancy, and adherence to housing standards for a strong visa application.
  • Professional service: Experienced surveyors conduct thorough inspections and provide clear, informative reports.
  • Urgent report: Emergency, short notice service is available.
  • Affordable: We offer an affordable Fiance Visa property inspection report.
Property Inspection Report for Fiancé Visa

Need a Property Inspection Report for Fiancé / Fiancée Visa application?

Look no further than Evergreen Engineers Ltd! Rely on a trusted company to meet Home Office requirements and increase your visa application's success chances.

Our expert reports meet UKVI requirements, ensuring your accommodation is suitable. We provide swift, professional service. Call 075 00 24 24 94 / 020 3129 5156 or fill out our online form.

What does a property inspection report for Fiance Visa entail?

The property is inspected to ensure that it is:

  • Not statutorily overcrowded under the Housing Act 1985, Part X and has space for both current occupier(s) and the applicant;
  • Fit for human habitation and meets health and safety criteria of the property set by Section 604 of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended).
  • Free from Category 1 Hazards under the Housing Act 2004, Housing Health and Safety Rating System, hazard 11: crowding and space;
  • In a reasonable state of repair.

The Fiancé visa inspection report will contain personal details

  • Name, date of birth and passport number of Fiancé / Fiancée visa applicant
  • Name and date of birth of sponsor
  • Name and date of birth of other people living in the property (if any) and their relation with sponsor
  • Supplementary remarks concerning the applicant's individual circumstances and property condition if necessary

What is Property Inspection Report for Fiancé / Fiancée Visa application

What is it?

  • An independent assessment of a property to determine its suitability for immigration purposes.
  • May be submitted to the Home Office (UKVI) to ensure adequate accommodation for visa applicants.


  • Verifies the number of rooms and occupants in the property.
  • Confirms the property meets minimum housing standards (fit for human habitation).
  • Assesses if the property is overcrowded.