Property Inspection Report Maidstone Kent

We provide Property Inspection Report in Maidstone; a county town Kent. In cludes all the 12 local government wards of Allington, Bridge, Downswood and Otham, East, Fant, Heath, High Street, Park Wood, Shepway North, Shepway South, South, and North.

Property Inspection Report for UK visa and Immigration: Area covered in Maidstone Kent.

All Cities, Towns, Villages and Settlements in Borough of Maidstone, Kent

  • Allington
  • Barming
  • Bearsted
  • Bicknor
  • Boughton Monchelsea
  • Boxley
  • Bredhurst
  • Broomfield
  • Chart Sutton
  • Chequers Centre
  • Collier Street
  • Coxheath
  • Detling
  • Downswood
  • East Farleigh
  • East Sutton
  • Frinsted
  • Grafty Green
  • Harrietsham
  • Hawkenbury
  • Headcorn
  • Hollingbourne
  • Hucking
  • Hunton
  • Invicta Park
  • Kingswood
  • Laddingford
  • Langley
  • Leeds
  • Lenham
  • Lenham Heath
  • Lidsing
  • Linton
  • Loose
  • Maidstone
  • Marden
  • Nettlestead
  • Otham
  • Otterden
  • Penenden Heath
  • Pilgrims Retreat
  • Platts Heath
  • Sandling
  • Sandway
  • South Green
  • Staplehurst
  • Stockbury
  • Sutton Valence
  • Teston
  • Thurnham
  • Tovil
  • Ulcombe
  • Walderslade
  • Warren Street
  • Weavering
  • West Farleigh
  • Wichling
  • Wormshill
  • Yalding
  • Yelsted

What is housing report for immigration purposes?

A property inspection report is a supporting documents for Home Office/UKVI adequate accommodation requirements which proves to the Entry Clearance Officer that you have:

"Obtain an independent assessment of the number of rooms and occupants of the proposed accommodation. A report from a suitably qualified body certifying that a personal inspection has been carried out and giving details of accommodation inspected is usually acceptable for this purpose. Above all, the Entry Clearance officer must be satisfied that the accommodation will not become overcrowded within the definition of the Housing Act 1985 or that it will not contravene public health regulations."

Property Inspection Report Maidstone Kent

The report will certify that a personal inspection has been carried out by a qualified Environmental Health Officer and will include the some details of house including whether the property will be overcrowded if the visa applicant is coming to live in and it does not or will not contravene public health regulations.

Call us for a Property Inspection Report in Maidstone Kent for UK Visa and Immigration on 07500242494 or complete our online here.

The Property Inspection Report can be used for:

  • Spouse or civil partners visa
  • Fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner
  • Family visa application
  • Dependant children
  • Dependant adults
  • Civil Partnership Visas
  • Visa extension
  • Or any other type where you need the adequate accommodation evidence

Latest documents: UK Visas and Immigration

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